Sponsor: WooThemes

WooThemesThe organisers of WordCamp Gold Coast 2011 are very pleased to announce our second sponsor, WooThemes! We contacted WooThemes and within hours Adii returned out email and quickly jumped on board to lend a hand for WordCamp Gold Coast 2011! 🙂

If you are using WordPress and you haven’t heard of WooThemes before then I’d be very suprised! But for those of you who don’t know the story of WooThemes then we’ll give you a little backstory.

WooThemes was started by 3 passionate web designers in 3 different countries who set out to create themes that could go toe to toe with the best looking websites in the world. These themes also had to be flexible and easy to customize. WooThemes release new themes every month that have been designed by some of the best designers in the world! The Woo Ninjas also provide customers with incredible support and their WooFramework is continually being enhanced so it grows as WordPress grows.

While we’re at it, you can even thank WooThemes for the drag and drop menus that WordPress has had since WordPress 3.0. The WooThemes menu code was added to WordPress Trac then the WordPress community worked on this code and wrangled it into the menus that we all love now!

Thanks again to WooThemes for sponsoring WordCamp Gold Coast 2011 and helping the WordPress community!

If you want to join the awesome line-up of WordCamp Gold Coast sponsors, apply now!

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2 Responses to “Sponsor: WooThemes

  1. Mikey Leung says:

    That is pretty sweet news. I love Woothemes and now use Canvas for just about all my projects. Does that mean they’ll be coming??

  2. Hey Mikey,

    We’d love to see some of the Woo Ninjas over here. Adii didn’t give anything away in the email about whether or not any of them will be attending. Fingers crossed we’ll see a few of them.

    I know that WordCamp Cape Town is coming up in September so I’m sure Adii will be at that one as well as the Obox boys no doubt!