Speaker Announcement: Dee Teal, The Web Princess

Dee Teal - The Web Princess It brings me great pleasure to announce the first card-carrying, super awesome Gold Coast WordCamp presenter – Dee Teal.

Dee is the body and brains behind the Web Princess development studio. She’s been building websites for almost as many years as WordPress has been able to power them and loves to give clients the WordPress experience.

At WordCamp Gold Coast, Dee will present a professional workshop on WordPress theme development with the popular Genesis Framework. Dee’s workshop is a must see for all WordPress theme designers.

The Skinny

To get the low-down on why Dee’s love of all things WordPress, Genesis & WordCamp, we asked her a few questions.

What are you most looking forward to at WordCamp Gold Coast?

Standing in a room full of people knowing I could strike up an excited conversation with almost any of them about web, code, blogging, open-source, social media, content management and WordPress and they’d know what I was talking about…

What do you love most about WordPress?

The community that’s built around it. It’s a great platform, it does very cool things, and it’s helping me build my business, but better still, that it is grounded in people with such an open [source] spirit who are building, extending and sharing it freely is truly awesome.

Your workshop is on the Genesis theme Framework, why Genesis?

Because of how much faster I can turn out a website than if I was coding everything by from start to finish. It takes the heavy lifting out, speeds up my work flow, and the client ends up with a site that’s easily updated, and has inbuilt SEO and security.

Why should we use Genesis instead of starting from scratch?

The starting from scratch part.

Apply Within

We’ve had a bunch of applications from awesome speakers in the last couple of months, but need more to make this the best WordCamp Gold Coast has ever seen.

If you have a story or presentation that could entertain a room full of bloggers, designers and/or programmers, now is the time to apply to become a speaker.

If you’ve already applied, we are deliberating all applications and will be in touch shortly.

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2 Responses to “Speaker Announcement: Dee Teal, The Web Princess

  1. Woohoo! First speaker announcement!

    Can’t wait to learn about the Genesis Framework. I know lots of developers swear by it I’m looking forward to seeing it’s features.

    Looking forward to the talk Dee! 🙂

  2. Pingback: Community Minded « « The Web Princess The Web Princess