Andy Henderson
Andy Henderson has been involved with the web since the mid 1990s (yes, they even had search engines way back then), has run his own Web Consulting agency for the last 10 years, (specialising in Search Engine Optimisation for 8 years) and has been using WordPress for the last 6 years – so is very well qualified to present Sunday’s SEO for WordPress Workshop.
More recently Andy has co-founded a training organisation called In a Day – which focuses on Hands on Training Workshops – (with a BIG emphasis on Hands On), where students don’t just learn how to do stuff.. they actually do it – and at the end of the day have actually achieved something.
Their flagship workshop – Website In a Day – (which is ONLY possible because of WordPress), guides students through the process of Domain registration, Hosting setup, WordPress installation, Theme selection and customisation, and Content creation – so at the end of the day, they have a fully functioning website , that they have created themselves. Graduates also have the skills and experience to be able to continue improving and maintaining the sites themselves.
In a Day also offer WordPress Training/ Consulting, SEO, Marketing, and other courses aimed at dragging guiding small businesses into the world of the web.
The SEO for WordPress Workshop will include sections on SEO Friendly themes, and “must have” SEO Plugins (and how to configure them properly), but also includes tips, tricks and tactics for using standard WordPress functionality to maximise your online exposure.
The workshop topics include:
- SEO Fundamentals
- WordPress Out of the Box
- Basic Configuration
- SEO Friendly Themes
- SEO Plugins (of course)
- SEO Content Strategies